Saturday, February 13, 2010

Good Joy

This afternoon I woke up to a text message asking me if I wanted to get some food. Of course I would get some food! So get ready, headed out to the lunch and ate as much I could. Eventually food coma came, but I overcame it!

I love the deep talks that come up during the time of eating. I learn new things about them, eventually things just to flow naturally and we share things. Its nice to hear and to respond. And its nice to talk while they listen :D

Soon after eating, I went to the library with a great company with me. Studying math was brutal, but I accomplished what I needed to do today. Even though it seems like my day just began, it is soon ending. But its not the ending that I am looking forwards to, its the good joy that comes at the end of the day.

The feeling of getting to know someone just by spending some time, doesn't need to be quality time or "deep-talk" time, but just time with them. You learn things about them, eventually you start to see more of their heart and thats when it all counts. That I went through this day, accomplishing things, and getting to know someone more really made it all worth it. And I know when I am going to lay down in my bed I am going to say "Thank you God." Because spending time with people, for some reason, brings good joy to my heart. Not just people, but also with God. Seeing how God would just talk to me and tell me, its so fascinating!

But tonight's end will bring good joy. Good joy to my heart, mind and soul. How could I not praise God for this?! I gotta be a fool haha.

Meeting beautiful people, seeing beautiful things, and seeing the beauty of beauty, is more than beautiful itself. I hope that I continue to see things like this as the hours come by. Cause in a few hours, a new day will start, which creates a new story that is to be told. And I hope tomorrow's story will be beautiful as today's or even better :D

God is good because He provides me the Good Joy that makes me smile a mile long and that makes me love more.

God is good always. Always God is good.
Now come close and listen to this story.


Junghee said...


Really. Amen.